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Born in Pordenone in 1926 Boille lived and studied in Rome, where he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1949 and graduated in Architecture in 1950. He travels to Europe and after a stay in Holland, he settles in Paris in 1951 where he remains until 1965.

Boille's sign "unfolding and modulating itself as a pure pictorial phrase, realizes and communicates a state of being, of immunity or detachment or contemplation" (Argan). Boille's choice is to do painting, only painting, the purest painting possible.  Boille's artistic itinerary is marked by three important encounters. The meeting with Paris, a cultural climate and the taste for research, the meeting with Michel Tapié, the artistic adventure and the professional insertion in a French and international context, the meeting with Giulio-Carlo Argan, the conceptual essence of painting and its link with Italian renewal.

( From:  Phenomenology of the creative gesture  1955-2014)


He passed away in Rome on April 20, 2015

1985 Lugi Boille.jpg

© 2018 Luigi Boille

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